The origins of the Brand “Taute” has to be situated at the beginnings of the 10th C., parallel to the foundation of the kingdom of Najera, that was later joined by the court from Pamplona. This Kingdom of Najera and Pamplona, contemporaneous with the Jimena Dynasty (period from Sancho I to Sancho III) marked the real beginning of the Peninsula´s re-conquest.
The repopulation of the recaptured lands, the pomp associated to the court and the proliferation of monasteries where Christian rites were practised, among other actions, made the planting of vines and the consequent production of wine to be increased, thus recovering an activity in the high and mid lands of Rioja long lost during the Arabian occupation of these lands near the river Ebro.
Times of monks, counts and marquises, for whom it was an honour to give good wine to their guests and where the wines of the “Marques de Taute” surely won a well-deserved fame for their high quality.
The marquis´s vineyards were located in the properties known as “the lands of the fox”, lands that were not suitable for sowing cereal, but with an interesting limestone soil where the best vineyards of the kingdom grew. We like to think that it was from here where the wines for the court were supplied.

The best vineyards of the kingdom in a land of conquests
Wines which reflect the personality of the land, located at the heart of Rioja Alta area. Our red wines are characterized for their balance in grade/degree, colour and acidity. Mild and elegant taste with full body and structure well compensated. Wines with a clear fruity predominance while young that turns velvety once aged in barrel.
A versatile range that pairs well with the most varied types of food what together with its friendly easy drinking makes it the key of its success.